
Kitchen demo update....

So today was spent taking out the upper cabinets (Why?  Why are there stripped out screws in a brand new home install?)  Travis had to use the "master key" to cut those things out!

I sat and poured through pictures of open shelving on the internet.  Corbels?  No corbels?  We had them in the last kitchen, but Travis ended up building them because we couldn't find anything that was
a. chunky enough
b. less than our mortgage (seriously, those little suckers are expensive!) and
c. we liked.

So here is how we are looking at the end of day one:

The super pantry (cape!) at the far right will stay.  The surround will be built to house the fridge (new appliances arrive on the 16th- includes a counter-depth fridge)   and the microwave will go back up over the stove with 22 in cabinets on either side.  The L shape from the right side stove cabinet to the surround on the fridge will be connected by three open shelves.
The cabinets on either side of the fridge will go almost to the ceiling with an open shelf at the top of each one.  Over the microwave will be a shorter cabinet to hide the stove vent and the microwave plug.
I was debating repainting the cabinets....I am still loving the ASCP in Country Grey, but the Old White on the uppers was not my fav.  This time I am going to go with ASCP in Pure White and I have ordered new Martha Stewart drawer pulls in silver.  I think it will give it a cleaner, crisper look : o )

I will be updating daily- I would love any comments/suggestions/ideas if you have them!


  1. I used pure white and I am happy with it.Nice and bright and still a contrast with my walls and trim.Can't wait to see it all up and painted.I am sure you feel the same LOL.It is quite a job.

  2. Anne- This is the point in the reno where I am questioning why we started this in the first place, lol! I hate dust and mess...keeping on with the painting at this point!

  3. Looking good...can't wait to see the after! My kitchen is on "the list"... Maybe when the kiddos get a little older...and less messy :). Laurel


Thanks so much for popping in. I appreciate all of your lovely comments...Tricia