
While you were sleeping...

Anyone who knows me knows that I have bouts of insomnia.  I've seen doctors and even tried medication, but when my mind starts whirling I just can't seem to settle down and stay asleep.  I used to just lay there, now I get up and do whatever it is that I feel like I need to do.  I guess that is just a side effect of a creative ADHD mind.  Instead of fighting it I kind of find myself embracing it.  It tends to produce good results:

3:00 am.  Up.
3:15 am  Coffee & design blogs.
3:30 am  We need open shelving.  Now.
3:40 am  Door removed, primer & paint out.

You get the picture ; o )

The dictionary is a gift from my dad.  He loves old books and objects just as much as I do!

The Emma Bridgewater dishes are an early Christmas gift from my mom- we both share a love of dishes!
Monday I am headed out to the architectural supply store to get the glass doorknobs for the rest of the house.  Then the door painting process begins ; o )

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  1. When we repainted our kitchen cabinets two years ago I debated on not putting the doors up. I have regretted that decision and hope one of my Christmas gifts this year from my husband will be that the doors are finally removed :)

  2. April- The gift that will keep on giving ; o) I had open shelving in our last house that my hubby custom built and loved them. I miss that!

  3. love how you have them displayed...well done for early am work! I wonder if paint fumes wakes slumbering children??


  4. I really love it! Looks great. I identify with your insomnia. I do the same thing, unfortunately I have several autoimmune diseases and the lack of sleep leads to a vicious cycle, but my best work is always during the insomnia fits.

    Amber @ Junkaholics Unanimous

  5. Northern Cottaage- Mine were raised on paint fumes, it's fresh air that wakes them up, lol!

    Amber- Thank you so much! We need an insomniac decorators club!


Thanks so much for popping in. I appreciate all of your lovely comments...Tricia