

A very good friend of mine and I were talking today and the subject of New Year's resolutions came up.  I told her how much I hated making "promises to myself" that I really had no intention of keeping.  They always seem so specific and look impossible to accomplish.  She mentioned that what she does instead is focus on a word and then she tries to apply that to how she lives her life.  So smart!  Without realizing it I began to think about this past year and the one thing I kept telling myself was that I was going to be more balanced in how I lived my life between work and home.  And you know what?  I have done just that!

I'm really thinking that my word for this year is going to be acceptance.  In who I am, what I think, and how others percieve me.  I'm going to accept that not everyone is going to like me or get along with me.  I'm going to accept that I cannot get it all done in a weekend, and that sometimes the house is going to be less than white glove test worthy- and it's going to be ok.  The earth will still spin on it's axis or something to that effect.

What word would you choose?


  1. I love you so much, sweet friend!

    Our talk today was lovely, and I hung up feeling renewed!

    I think your word is *perfect* for you this year!
    Speaking of it, I have a small something for you that will hopefully aid you in this journey.

    I picked the treasure up for you months ago, and need to find were I stashed it! Haha! ;)

    You already know my 2011 word, but I'll share it again here: "Balance"

    And, the scriptures to keep me accountable:
    "In quietness and in trust shall be your strength." Isaiah 30:15
    "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

    I LOVE YOU TONS!!! ♥

  2. "Finish what you start". Wait.... How many words do we get?

  3. 'Fun' - time I stopped complaining about things and looked for the fun part of stuff. Need to be more fun around.

  4. Joe- I love that one! Why is it that the older we get the less time we make for having fun?


Thanks so much for popping in. I appreciate all of your lovely comments...Tricia