
Oh Wow.

It seems that our home has been featured over on another blog. Chris over at Just A Girl posted about our kitchen/laundry room re-do. I was blown away by all of the sweet comments.

I so needed that! Thank you : )

Dr.Sister sent this to me over the weekend since I was feeling a bit overwhelmed between teaching and grad school. Thought I would share.

"Believe in yourself, and in your dreams
though impossible things may seem.
Someday, somehow you'll get through
to that goal you have in view.

Mountains fall and seas divide
before the ones who, in their stride,
Take a hard road, day by day,
Sweeping life's obstacles away.

Believe in yourself and in your plan.
Say not, I cannot, but I can!
The prizes of life we fail to win,
Because we doubt the power within.

Brian C. Holz


  1. I saw your blog on "Just A Girl" just this afternoon! You have a very cute blog and your home is just beautiful!

  2. Seems as if you have two sweet people in your life who care about you. :)

  3. You totally deserve all of the sweet comments......I saw your pictures at J A Girl and LOVED everything about your kitchen and dining and laundry room!!!!!!!!!! I cannot even tell you how much i love all of it. I could def. see myself doing all of that to my kitchen or at least trying. GREAT job again!

  4. Love the poem that your sister sent. Hope that it gives you the strength to pull theough and succeed at all that you are doing. I know you will!!:) Love & missya bunches!!


Thanks so much for popping in. I appreciate all of your lovely comments...Tricia