
Advice needed...

Sara and Travis do not get along, and when I say "do not get along" I really mean hate each other with a vitriol like none other.

I've tried talking to Sara about her attitude toward him. I've tried talking to Travis about being patient with her. It's NOT WORKING PEOPLE.

I cannot imagine all the other kids growing up, moving out, and leaving the three of us here together with me playing referree every day only to come home one day to blood-shed.

What can I do??


  1. Have u tried taking them both to family counseling? It sounds like it would be helpful!
    Sorry about the trouble they are experiencing!

  2. sheesh.
    I say counseling also....
    you never know..might help.

  3. I guess it's a question of why. There must be some source to the conflict. That needs to be resolved, whether through a professional or just within the family. I know it isn't easy raising a kid with a disability, but there's got to be something.

  4. Perhaps you could work intensly with one at a time, figure out what the other doesn't like and get one to change. Not sure who should go first though.

  5. Have a glass of wine?!

    Kidding, sort of...
    I've got nuthin' else.

  6. I dont have any advice but just wanted to say that I am glad I found your blog today. I found it from just a girl! You have a lovely home and children and It put a smile on my heart when I saw your daughter Sara!

  7. Counseling would work as long as Sarah is willing to work on her attitude. Somehow I'm feeling that that is less condition of things. She's dug her heals in so it seems. Travis needs to keep up being patient as possible. Or if I had kids, I'd use this play in the ol' play book....a good and consistent grounding was always a good attitude adjustment for me. It only took once or twice and I was a choir girl again. Hee! That was pure crap about the choir girl thing...but you get the point.

  8. I think counseling is the next logical step. Either that or heavy drinking...

  9. Sounds like you're on the right path! Once you find the root of Sarah's disdain toward Travis, I am sure you can work through it as a family. You have such amazing kids & a pretty super hubby too!And like you said, there's always heavy drinking :)

    P.S. I got your monogrammed buttons done - too cute! I plan to visit Papa (uncle Bill) this week so I will leave them with him.

  10. Ummm, yeah, late in on the weigh in, but counseling... find a good family therapist. And Travis has life experience on his side, so he's gonna have to be the grown-up on this one, even though I'm sure it sticks in his craw.


  11. Hi there! Saw you on Just a Girl and had to comment! We are the Goins Family as well. I loved your "Goins Family" in your kitchen, I have one over my mantle with The Goins Family and est 2006...our monogram in our bedroom is not on our wall, but it is on our pillow cases :). Beautiful Home!

  12. In a previous post you mention how Travis "caves" in to his "daughter" in person - a grown woman who's only disability is being bipolar but other than that functions fine in this world. So why is Travis not "caving" in to Sara especially since she has more disabilities than his biological child and isn't likely to lead a very dependant lifestyle in the future. I think he needs talk to a pastor for insight into why he isn't patient with Sara. He needs to be the bigger person here.

  13. I think you said it yourself. Patience is the key. Don't rush it and try to set up a situation whether its counseling or something else. Have them find some common ground to start with.

  14. I'm surprised to hear this. Taylor and Dave didn't get along until a couple years ago. And yes, "don't get along" is putting it mildly. As she's gotten older, and gotten a better attitude, they've kissed and made up. Having said all of that, patience and a couple more years, for both of them, will help. Until then, unfortunately, you'll spend a lot of your time playing referee.

  15. Anonymous- Anyone who would leave such a ridiculous post would have to do so under "ANON". You don't even know me, him- or the back story on any of it. Stick to the things you do know...up until being featured on another blog the only people who read here KNEW us. So again, your comment looks a bit silly to me and those who acutally know us as a family. There is a word for your kind: TROLL. Oh, and you might want to go see your pastor about that.


Thanks so much for popping in. I appreciate all of your lovely comments...Tricia