

Tomorrow Sara and I are going to take a trip to a group home...just to look around.  Her teacher thinks it may be a good idea for Sara to work part time at the home's tea room.  I don't know why I have such a hard time with this subject, but I do.  It leaves me feeling teary, breathless, and just a bit sad all at the same time.  I know she needs to be around people, she needs a purpose/job, these are all good things, but I just want her here- safe with me.
Things seemed so much simpler when she was just a baby...

It will be okay, right?


  1. Yes it will be ok. My cousin is developmentally challenged and lives in a group home and works. She very proud of herself and her accomplishments. And she has a great group of friends she wouldn't otherwise have had.

    Unfortunately, our children aren't really ours, much as we'd like them to be. All we can do is prepare them best we can and let them fly when they're ready.

  2. All kids grow up, time to let her spread out. You're a good mom, but can't hold on forever.


Thanks so much for popping in. I appreciate all of your lovely comments...Tricia